Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei - Text und Abbildungen des Atlas von 1834
von: Hermann Pückler-Muskau
Birkhäuser, 2014
ISBN: 9783038213178
Sprache: Deutsch
176 Seiten, Download: 29498 KB
Format: PDF, auch als Online-Lesen
Hints on Landscape Gardening, Pückler-Muskau's most important book, is a classic work in landscape design and has appeared in countless editions since its first publication in 1834. In collaboration with the American Foundation for Landscape Studies, Hints on Landscape Gardening is now presented in an accurate and attractive version with illustrations from the large-format Atlas for the Hints that accompanied the original edition.
Elizabeth Barlow-Rogers,Foundation for Landscape Studies, New York; Linda Parshall, Prof. emer. Portland State University, USA