Biofuels - Securing the Planet's Future Energy Needs

Biofuels - Securing the Planet's Future Energy Needs

von: Ayhan Demirbas

Springer-Verlag, 2008

ISBN: 9781848820111

Sprache: Englisch

343 Seiten, Download: 4427 KB

Format:  PDF, auch als Online-Lesen

geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop


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Biofuels - Securing the Planet's Future Energy Needs

Biofuel is a renewable energy source produced from natural materials. The benefits of biofuels over traditional petroleum fuels include greater energy security, reduced environmental impact, foreign exchange savings, and socioeconomic issues related to the rural sector. The most common biofuels are produced from classic food crops that require high-quality agricultural land for growth. However, bioethanol can be produced from plentiful, domestic, cellulosic biomass resources such as herbaceous and woody plants, agricultural and forestry residues, and a large portion of municipal and industrial solid waste streams. There is also a growing interest in the use of vegetable oils for making biodiesel. 'Biofuels: Securing the Planet's Future Energy Needs' discusses the production of transportation fuels from biomass (such as wood, straw and even household waste) by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The book is an important text for students and researchers in energy engineering, as well as professional fuel engineers.

Ayhan Demirbas is a full professor at Sila Science and Energy. He was a Professor in Energy Technologies Science at Karadeniz Technical University between 1991 and 2001, and at Selcuk University from 2003 to 2007. His research is mainly concerned with renewable and sustainable energy.


