Mobile Information Systems - Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility

Mobile Information Systems - Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility

von: Barbara Pernici

Springer-Verlag, 2006

ISBN: 9783540310082

Sprache: Englisch

357 Seiten, Download: 6202 KB

Format:  PDF, auch als Online-Lesen

geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop


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Mobile Information Systems - Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility

  Preface 7  
  List of Contributors 11  
  Contents 15  
  Part I Core Technologies for Mobile Information Systems 17  
     1 Basic Concepts 19  
        1.1 Introduction 19  
        1.2 Novel Aspects of Mobile Information Systems 21  
           1.2.1 Multichannel Access and Mobile Devices 21  
           1.2.2 Context-Awareness in Mobile Information Systems 24  
           1.2.3 Wireless Infrastructures 27  
           1.2.4 Service-Oriented Systems and Cooperative Mobile Information Systems 28  
        1.3 Applications of Mobile Information Systems 32  
           1.3.1 Mobile and Multichannel Tourist Services 34  
           1.3.2 Mobile-Team Support 34  
           1.3.3 E-Learning 36  
        1.4 Introduction to the MAIS Framework 36  
     2 Reference Architecture and Framework 41  
        2.1 Introduction 41  
        2.2 The MAIS Architecture 41  
           2.2.1 MAIS Front-End Environment 42  
           2.2.2 MAIS Back-End Environment 44  
        2.3 The MAIS Framework 45  
           2.3.1 Functional Model: E-Service General Model 46  
              Service Provisioning Model 46  
              Service Request Model 49  
           2.3.2 Architectural Model 50  
              Base Reflective Layer 51  
              Quality-of-Service Representation 51  
              An Example: Computational Components 53  
           2.3.3 Context Model 53  
              Channel Model 55  
              Location and Time 58  
              User Profile 59  
           2.3.4 Quality of Service Dimensions 61  
     3 E-Services 63  
        3.1 MAIS Flexible E-Services 63  
        3.2 The MAIS Service Model 65  
           MAIS Service Description Language (MAIS-SDL) 65  
           MAIS Process Language (MAIS-PL) 67  
        3.3 Web Service Publication and Selection 69  
        3.4 MAIS-P 73  
           3.4.1 Invocation Mechanisms 73  
           3.4.2 Concretization and Optimization 75  
           3.4.3 Behavioral Compatibility of Services and Building New Services 78  
           3.4.4 Orchestrator 81  
        3.5 Service Cost and Price Models 86  
           A Model of Infrastructural Costs 86  
           Pricing Models 88  
        3.6 Micro-MAIS: Flexible Services for Ad Hoc Networks 91  
           3.6.1 Partitioning Process 92  
           3.6.2 Adaptive Work.ows 95  
     4 Middleware and Architectural Reflection 97  
        4.1 Introduction 97  
        4.2 Base Re.ective Layer 100  
           4.2.1 Basic Concepts 100  
           4.2.2 Observation and Control 102  
           4.2.3 Deployment 106  
           4.2.4 Network Base Layer 108  
              Network Objects 108  
              Network QoS Implementation 109  
        4.3 Extended Re.ective Layer 111  
           4.3.1 QoS Extension Pattern 111  
           4.3.2 Abstracting the QoS 112  
        4.4 A Middleware Architecture for Software Replication 114  
           4.4.1 Fault Tolerance Versus High Availability 117  
           Two-Tier Architectures for Software Replication 117  
           A Three-Tier Architecture for Active Software Replication 118  
           Software Replication in MAIS 120  
           4.4.2 Interoperable Replication Logic (IRL) 121  
           Architectural Overview of IRL 121  
        4.5 Examples 125  
           4.5.1 University Education Management 125  
           Overview 125  
           Architecture of Adaptive PDBudget 125  
           Adaptive Functionalities: Examples 126  
           4.5.2 Supporting Nurses in Caregiving Process 127  
           Overview 127  
           MAIS Point of View 127  
           Rei.cation of Requests from the Point of View of the Nurse 129  
           Rei.cation of User Information 129  
           Rei.cation of Request from the Point of View of the Patient 129  
           Rei.cation of Location 130  
  Part II Enabling Technologies 131  
     5 Adaptive Networks 133  
        5.1 Introduction 133  
        5.2 Physical Layer 135  
           5.2.1 Flexibility, Adaptivity, and Recon.gurability in Modern Wireless Transceivers 135  
           5.2.2 An Innovative Approach to Flexible Modem Design: the Supervisor 136  
           5.2.3 Introduction of the Supervisor into the WiMAX Physical Layer 138  
           5.2.4 Performance Analysis and Results 139  
        5.3 MAC Layer 140  
           5.3.1 Layer-2 Adaptivity: Architectures and Requirements 141  
           5.3.2 Adaptive MAC within the WiMAX MAC Layer 143  
           5.3.3 Demonstration of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) 146  
        5.4 On the quality-of-service of IP Telephony over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 149  
           5.4.1 Related Work 151  
              MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks 151  
              Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 152  
           5.4.2 System Architecture 153  
              The VMAC Protocol 153  
              Routing Protocol 154  
              Transport and Application Protocols 155  
           5.4.3 Application Scenario 156  
              Performance Parameters 156  
           5.4.4 Performance Results 157  
        5.5 Advanced Interdomain Routing Protocols 161  
           5.5.1 BGPlay: a Platform for Visualizing the Behavior of 163  
           Interdomain 163  
           5.5.2 Commercial Relationships Between Autonomous Systems 165  
           5.5.3 Active BGP Probing 166  
     6 Data Management 171  
        6.1 Architectural Features for Data Management 172  
           6.1.1 Memory Types 173  
           6.1.2 Endurance, Power Consumption and Performance 174  
        6.2 DBMSs for Small Devices 175  
           6.2.1 Commercial Tools 175  
              Oracle Database Lite 10g 175  
              IAnywhere UltraLite Database 175  
              IBM DB2 Everyplace 176  
              Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition 176  
           6.2.2 PoLiDBMS: System Features 176  
        6.3 Design of Very Small Databases for Mobility 181  
           6.3.1 VSDB Design Methodology 182  
           6.3.2 Data Synchronization and Transactions 186  
              Distributed Commit Protocols 186  
              Semantic Synchronization 189  
     7 Low-Power Architectures for Mobile Systems 193  
        7.1 Exploiting Multiple Levels of Parallelism 196  
           7.1.1 Multithreaded Extension of Multicluster VLIW Processors for Embedded Applications 196  
           7.1.2 Multilevel Computing Architecture: Microarchitecture Design Issues 202  
        7.2 Power Modeling of Wireless Protocols 208  
           7.2.1 State of the Art 210  
           7.2.2 Methodology 211  
        7.3 Algorithms and Architectures for Information Security 216  
        7.4 Concluding remarks 222  
  Part III Design of Mobile Information Systems 223  
     8 Methods and Tools for the Development of Adaptive Applications 225  
        8.1 Introduction 225  
        8.2 Design Methodologies for Multichannel Adaptive 226  
        8.2 Design Methodologies for Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems 226  
           8.2.1 Modeling the Requirements of Multichannel Applications Information Systems 226  
           8.2.2 Design of Multichannel Adaptive Web-Based Applications 230  
           8.2.3 Multimodal Deployment of Adaptive Applications 236  
              Context-Awareness 236  
              The M3L Multimodal Framework 238  
              An Example of Adaptive Presentation 241  
        8.3 Adaptive Interaction in Web Information Systems 242  
           8.3.1 Modeling User Interaction 242  
              Formalizing the Interaction 242  
              The Set of AIUs 243  
              AIUs at Work 245  
           8.3.2 Context-Aware Adaptation Tools 246  
           8.3.3 Adaptive Presentation by Matching User Pro.les 249  
              Matchmaking Techniques in IM3 251  
              Architecture of the System 251  
        8.4 Usability and Accessibility of Adaptive Applications 252  
           8.4.1 Guidelines and Principles for Accessibility and Usability 252  
              Limitations of the Mobile Context 252  
              Principles and Guidelines for Accessibility 253  
              Usability Principles for Mobile Computing 254  
           8.4.2 Heuristic Evaluation of Usability and Accessibility in Mobile 256  
              Computing 256  
              Background 257  
              Expert-Based Evaluation in Mobile Computing 257  
           8.4.3 User Studies on Mobile Computing 258  
              User-Based Methods in Mobile Computing 259  
              Some Parameters of User Studies in Mobile Computing 260  
              Usability Evaluation: Summary 263  
     9 Development of Services for Mobile Information Systems 265  
        9.1 The MAIS Methodological Framework for Service Design 265  
        9.2 Guidelines for Analyzing and Designing Web Services 267  
        9.3 Service Speci.cation and Compatibility Analysis 268  
           9.3.1 Service Analysis and Design 269  
           9.3.2 High-Level Redesign 272  
           9.3.3 Customization 272  
        9.4 Broker–Provider Negotiation and Dynamic Evaluation of Management Costs 274  
        9.5 Process Partitioning 278  
           9.5.1 Work.ow Controllers in Distributed Environments 278  
           9.5.2 The Partitioning Tool 279  
     10 Knowledge-Based Tools for E-Service Profiling and Mining 281  
        10.1 Introduction 281  
           10.1.1 Recommender Systems: a Literature Review 282  
           10.1.2 Main Technological Characteristics of Recommender Systems 283  
        10.2 Applying Knowledge about Users to the Selection of E-Services 286  
           10.2.1 User Knowledge Supporting Service Personalization 286  
           10.2.2 Recommendation Environment Architecture 289  
        10.3 Algorithms Used for Evaluating Similarities Between Users and the E-Services 291  
           10.3.1 Description and Semantic Annotation of Services 292  
           10.3.2 User Profile Representation 294  
           10.3.3 Semantic Matching 295  
        10.4 The Data-Mining Profile Module as a User Knowledge Manager 299  
           10.4.1 Behavioral Pro.ling 299  
           10.4.2 Profile Construction Process 302  
           10.4.3 The Proposed Tool: the Data-Mining Profiling Module 305  
           10.4.4 Architecture 306  
           10.4.5 Implementation using Weka 307  
           10.4.6 Data Mining Profiling Module GUI 307  
     11 Applications. MultiLezi: Implementation of an Adaptive Multichannel Learning Environment 309  
        11.1 Introduction 309  
        11.2 A Conceptual Model of the Environment and of the User Profile 310  
           11.2.1 PocketLezi 313  
           11.2.2 MultimodalLezi 313  
           11.2.3 VocalLezi 315  
           11.2.4 AacLezi 317  
           11.2.5 MultiACC: a Pro.le-Based Channel Selector 318  
        11.3 Conclusions 320  
  Part IV Appendices 321  
     A The Quality Registry 323  
        A.1 Architectural Model 323  
        A.2 Channel Model 324  
        A.3 Functional Model 330  
        A.4 Context Model 331  
     B Functional Interaction Abilities: Conceptual Model of the User Context 335  
        B.1 Attributes of ICF-Related Classes: Individuation of the Minimal Set 335  
  References 343  
  Index 367  


