The Value of Critique - Exploring the Interrelations of Value, Critique, and Artistic Labour

The Value of Critique - Exploring the Interrelations of Value, Critique, and Artistic Labour

von: Isabelle Graw, Christoph Menke

Campus Verlag, 2019

ISBN: 9783593440828

Sprache: Englisch

300 Seiten, Download: 2801 KB

Format:  PDF, auch als Online-Lesen

geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop


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The Value of Critique - Exploring the Interrelations of Value, Critique, and Artistic Labour

  Contents 6  
  Preface 10  
  I. Critique of Critique 14  
     Against Critique, For Critique – Bruno Latour 16  
     The Hammer of the Gods: Critique, after all – Benjamin Noys 32  
     Two Ways of Understanding the Politics of Nature – Dirk Setton 45  
  II. The Power of Critique 52  
     Diderot, or The Power of Critique – Beate Söntgen 54  
     Letting ourselves be determined – A Comment on “Diderot, or: The Power of Critique” – Martin Seel 74  
     Actualizing Affirmation – Remarks on “Diderot, or The Power of Critique” – Kerstin Stakemeier 77  
     Critically Affirming Affirmation – Beate Söntgen 82  
  III. Critique Your Life! 86  
     Criticism and its Discontents – In Defense of an Immanent Critique of Forms of Life – Rahel Jaeggi 88  
     On Internal, External and Immanent Critique in Rahel Jaeggi – Eva Geulen 112  
     Going Further: Lebensformen, Politics and Critique – Thomas Lemke 121  
  IV. Social Critique 128  
     Critical Sociology and Sociology of Critique – Luc Boltanski 130  
     Three Questions – An Inquiry into the Sociology of Critique – Juliane Rebentisch 140  
  V. Labour and Value 144  
     (Un-)Doing the Capitalist Self – Some thoughts on the meaning of rehearsal and learning exercise in Melanie Gilligan’s video series Self Capital: ICA – Sabeth Buchmann 146  
     Working hard for what? – The value of artistic labor and the products that result from it – Isabelle Graw 156  
     Art and the Reproduction of the Value-Form – Christoph Menke 163  
     Art, Value, and Value-Form Theory – John Roberts 172  
  About the Authors 186  


